
Remember the "Reset" button

A couple of weeks ago, our esteemed Secretary of State presented the Russian foreign minister a gift; a big red plastic button with a Russian word that, according to the "best and brightest at State" was supposed to mean "Reset". As it turned out, the word really meant "Overcharge". This was one of the many missteps along the first two months of the Obama administration that have led to the impression that these guys really don't know what the hell they're doing.

Congress is no better. They're falling over themselves to deflect responsibility for the Stimulus debacle. I heard Sen. Lieberman (I-CT) say on Imus this morning that "even critics of the stimulus bill didn't single out the AIG bonus amendment." You can't make this stuff up. Of course it was all spelled out in the Conference Report, but no one took the time to read it.

So as it stands now, the Republican Party is unreliable at best and the Democrat Party is incompetent. They both have the taint of corruption throughout their ranks. Maybe it is time for a Tea Party? Maybe?

So back to Hillary's aptly-if-mistakenly named "Reset/Overcharge" button. Maybe it's time to go to Washington, poke around and find the federal government reset button and push it. Hard.

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